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DataMatters (January 2025)

DataMatters-january 2025

New! DataMatters gives you a round up of:

♦ Our recent publications and data releases
♦ Profiles of CHIA data users and their research
♦ Upcoming events of interest
♦ Employment opportunities

The January 2025 issue also outlines new Massachusetts health care legislation that looks to improve oversight of the health care market and address rising prescription drug costs.  CHIA has new roles and responsibilities in both pieces of legislation.

Check out the latest issue and subscribe at the bottom.

Massachusetts Nursing Facilitities (January 2025)

Massachusetts Nursing Facilities

CHIA's new Nursing Facilities Interactive Dashboard  includes key measures at the industry- and facility-level to increase transparency of financial and quality performance.

This dashboard includes data for more than 300 skilled nursing facilities operating in Massachusetts. The nursing facility dashboard is intended to assist policymakers and stakeholders with accessing and understanding performance metrics for individual nursing facilities and the industry as a whole.

CHIA has also published downloadable versions of the most current cost reports for Massachusetts skilled nursing facilities and the associated realty companies and management companies. 

Massachusetts Hospital Profiles (January 2025)

Massachusetts Hospital PRofiles

Hospitals and hospital health systems play a crucial role in the health care delivery system. CHIA provides meaningful analysis on hospital and health systems through various measures and reporting.

Massachusetts Hospital Profiles provide a valuable snapshot of performance metrics for each hospital and allow policymakers and stakeholders to further assess the effect the pandemic has had on hospitals and health systems in their district. 




























Hospital-Wide Adult All-Payer Readmissions in Massachusetts 
(December 2024)
Link to Hospital Readmissions Report page

Hospital-Wide Adult All-Payer Readmissions in Massachusetts: SFY 2011-2023 presents statewide and hospital-level readmission rates with an in-depth analysis of readmission trends by patient demographics, diagnoses, and payer type.

Unplanned hospital readmissions can be used as an indicator of health system performance, for instance as a reflection of appropriate levels of treatment before discharge and follow-up care afterward. A reduction in avoidable readmissions may be tied to lower costs and improved patient experience.

The Massachusetts Employer Survey (MES)
(December 2024)
Link to the 2024 Massachusetts Employer Survey page

The Massachusetts Employer Survey (MES) asks a representative sample of employers to share their experiences and challenges in offering health insurance and related benefits to their employees. The MES gives valuable insights into the employer health insurance market

The latest survey includes new analyses of firm contributions to health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) and health savings accounts (HSAs) offered in conjunction with high deductible health plans (HDHPs); telemedicine coverage and modality; and the types of services provided by an agent, broker, or consultant during employer benefit decision-making.

(November 2024)
DataMatters November 2024

This issue of DataMatters highlights CHIA's Case Mix datasets for hospital inpatient discharge data (HIDD), emergency department data (EDD), and outpatient observation data (OOD).Earlier this fall, CHIA also published the latest quarterly hospital and health system financial performance report, with data through June 30, 2024.

The CHIA “Data User Profile” segment, focuses on research using the MA APCD to explore the application of fluoride during children’s dental visits. You can also catch up on upcoming health care-related events and all our recent publications.

Case Mix Dashboards
(November 2024)
Case Mix Dashboards Lin - image of hospital

Under state law, CHIA maintains databases of patient encounters with acute care hospitals. Collectively known as Case Mix, the databases capture each inpatient admission, emergency department visit, and outpatient observation stay and includes the medical reason for the visit, procedures and services provided, charges incurred, and duration of the visit, as well as patient demographics.

CHIA's latest interactive dashboards on outpatient observation (OOD), emergency department (ED) visits and hospital inpatient discharge data (HIDD).

(September 2024)
DataMatters September 2024

Two things distinguish CHIA in the pursuit of improving the Massachusetts health care system: our public-interest perspective, and our unique data sets. CHIA's data sets are unique because as the state agency responsible for a number of health care statistics, we have the ability to collect information necessary to fulfill this responsibility.

The September 2024 issue of DataMatters highlights CHIA's latest publications while also including a Data User Profile and a listing of upcoming events and conferences of interest.

Massachusetts Enrollment Trends Through March 2024
(September 2024)
Enrollment Trends - Access to health care image

Twice per year, CHIA updates its detailed Enrollment Trends analysis for the most recent two-year period to give researchers and policymakers insight into the market. The latest edition covers the period between March 2022 and March 2024 and includes breakouts by payers and product types in private commercial and public market sectors.

Enrollment Trends reporting includes an interactive dashboard, a detailed databook, and technical appendix. Coverage is defined by unique Massachusetts residents with primary, medical membership in the 12 largest commercial payers, MassHealth (Medicaid), or Medicare.

Massachusetts Behavioral Care
(September 2024)
Behavioral Health Dashboard - image of dashboard of behavioral health information

CHIA has produced its inaugural dashboard of metrics to monitor the performance of behavioral health care in the Commonwealth

Behavioral health encompasses services and treatment for both mental health and substance use disorders (SUD), an array of vital services that can meaningfully shape patient outcomes and measuring and tracking indicators of behavioral health care provides an essential fact base that enables data-driven policymaking and delivery system reforms.

Annual Massachusetts Acute Hospital and Health System Financial Performance Report
(September 2024)
Acute Hspital Financial Report - image of hospital

CHIA's Massachusetts Acute Hospital and Health System Financial Performance Report for hospital fiscal year (HFY) 2023 found that overall acute hospital profitability, as measured by median total margin, was 2.2%—an increase of 6.4 percentage points from 2022; the statewide acute hospital median operating margin was 0.2% in HFY 2023—an increase of 1.5 percentage points from 2022.

In addition to these profitability findings, this publication also reports on the liquidity and solvency of hospital health systems and their affiliated acute hospitals, as well as the profitability of affiliated physician organizations.

Primary Care and Behavioral Health Care (PCBH) Spending
(August 2024)
Primary Care and Behavioral Health Care (PCBH) Spending Image

Primary care and behavioral health comprise an array of vital services that can meaningfully shape patient outcomes and is foundational to a well-performing Massachusetts health care system.

As part of its efforts to inform policy initiatives, investments, and delivery system reforms, CHIA reports on payments made by health plans to health care providers, including the amounts paid by the payer as well as member-cost sharing, delivering primary care and behavioral health services.

HIDD, EDD and OOD Dashboard Updates
(August 2024)
Case Mix Reports August 2024 Update

Under state law, CHIA maintains acute care hospital data going back more than 30 years. Collectively known as Case Mix, these databases capture inpatient admissions, emergency department visits, and outpatient observation stays at acute care hospitals in Massachusetts.

These ongoing series of reports establish an important baseline of hospital utilization that can be used for public health initiatives, analyses of preventable hospitalizations and readmissions, and comparative cost and outcomes research.

A Focus on Provider Quality: Selected Clinical Measures, 2020 and 2022
(August 2024)
Clinical Quality and Patient Experience Measures Dashboard Image

As part of CHIA’s ongoing work to monitor health care quality in the Massachusetts, Select Clinical Quality and Patient Experience Measures, 2020–2022 examines performance across a subset of metrics from the NCQA Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS®) and the Patient Experience Survey (PES).

New in this year’s report, stratified statewide PES results are available for reporting year 2022 to examine disparities in patient-reported experiences across racial and ethnic groups.

Relative Price
(July 2024)
Relative Price - August 2023

CHIA reports annually on relative price to examine provider price variation in Massachusetts. Relative Price (RP) facilitates comparison of average provider prices while accounting for differences in patient acuity, the types of services providers deliver to patients, and the different insurance product types (e.g., HMO, PPO) that payers offer to their members.

CHIA published relative price results with data through CY 2022 for Massachusetts hospitals and physician groups. CHIA also produced an interactive  dashboard which allows users to explore the data in more detail. 

(July 2024)
DataMatters September 2023

In this issue of DataMatters, CHIA focuses on the publication of provider price variation for CY 2022, as well as other recent research including the results for the Massachusetts Health Insurance Survey (MHIS).

This issue's Data User Profile section features research on clinician risk tolerance and rates of admission from the emergency department using data from CHIA's All-Payer Claims Database (MA APCD).

The Massachusetts Health Insurance Survey (MHIS)
(June 2024)
Prescription Drugs Data Visualization - June 2024

The Massachusetts Health Insurance Survey (MHIS) provides information on health care coverage, access and affordability trends in the Commonwealth as part of CHIA’s Continuing Study on Insurance Coverage, Underinsurance and Uninsurance. 

The MHIS is a tool used by CHIA, legislators, policymakers, employers, insurers and other stakeholders to track and monitor the experiences of Massachusetts residents in obtaining timely and affordable health care. While national data sources can help monitor some aspects of health care coverage, access and affordability this survey provides the ability to track issues that are specific to Massachusetts.

Cost or Utilization? Drivers of Commercial Prescription Drug Spending
(June 2024)
Prescription Drugs Data Visualization - June 2024

CHIA's latest data visualization explores the drivers of commercial prescription drug spending as a special supplement to CHIA’s latest report on this topic.

Prescription drug spending has consistently been a major driver of total health care spending in Massachusetts, which has a direct impact on residents. Data shows that while pharmacy spending trends are based on both the cost of prescription drugs as well as the number of prescriptions filled, the primary driver of spending growth is the increase in costs.