Information for Data Submitters: Adult Day Health Cost Reports

Report Resources

Submission Deadline

  • Complete cost reports and financial statements were to be submitted no later than May 30, 2024.


CHIA collects Adult Day Health (ADH) Cost Reports on an annual basis. CHIA and other public entities use these reports for monitoring costs and for health care payment policy development. ADH providers must submit their cost reports in accordance with 957 CMR 6.00 and the filing requirements set out in the cost report instructions, which can be found on the right-hand side of this page. 

Please be sure to read the Cost Report Instructions and the CHIA Submissions User Guide found under "Report Resources" in the blue box on the right of this page PRIOR to beginning work on the cost report.


Due Date

Complete cost reports and financial statements must be submitted no later than May 30, 2024.


What’s New for the FY2023 ADH Cost Report

  • Providers must enter their Financial Statement reported revenue and expenses in the Reconciliation section of the Accuracy of Report tab starting in row 16.


  • If there is a variance between Cost Report and Financial Statement Net Income in cell D23 of the Summary tab, providers should enter reconciling item explanations and amounts starting in row 27.


A Few Reminders for the ADH Cost Report:

  1. Providers are required to submit completed cost reports through CHIA’s online submission portal, CHIA Submissions. Please note, CHIA Submissions works best in Google Chrome.

  2. Please read all Cost Report Instructions and the CHIA Submissions User Guide thoroughly prior to beginning the cost report.

  3. The ADH cost report is available as an Excel template. Complete cost reports will be submitted via CHIA Submissions. Financial statements should be emailed to, not uploaded through CHIA Submissions.

  4. Data must be keyed in. Please do not insert formulas or references to other spreadsheets as this may prevent the data from calculating accurately.

  5. All numbers must be whole numbers without decimals, except for Tab 3, Schedule B: Program Information, Hours per week, and Tab 5, Schedule D: Staffing Information, columns 5, Total Hours Compensated – Agency, 6, Total Hours Compensated – ADH, 7a, FTEs ADH Admin and 7b, FTES ADH Direct.

  6. In Schedule D: Staffing Information, if you have no information to report for a given staff type, leave the cell blank.

  7. The ‘Certification by Provider’ section, in the blue cells in Tab 9, must be filled in to save successfully.

  8. All submissions must be saved using the “Save Submission File” button on Tab 9, Accuracy of Report. Submissions that are not saved by using this button cannot be read by CHIA’s system and will not successfully upload.


Filing Application

The ADH cost report is submitted to CHIA online through CHIA Submissions. You may log into CHIA Submissions with the credentials used in previous years for INET submissions. If you are a new provider or new user and do not have log in credentials, you must register with CHIA as soon as possible. Please consult the Cost Report Instructions for detailed steps on registering with CHIA.



If you have questions related to the CHIA Submissions portal and registering your agency, please email

For all other questions, please email with the following information in the subject line of your email:

  1. Name of your agency with MassHealth ID #
  2. Name of the cost report you are asking about
  3. Cost report reporting year

Subject Line Example: Question on FY2023 ADH Cost Report – ABC agency, ID# 123456789A