Hospital-Wide Adult All-Payer Readmissions in Massachusetts

Hospital Readmissions
in Massachusetts
SFY2011 - SFY2023

See also:


Hospital-Wide Adult All-Payer Readmissions in Massachusetts: SFY 2011-2023 presents statewide and hospital-level readmission rates with an in-depth analysis of readmission trends by patient demographics, diagnoses, and payer type.

A hospital-specific readmissions interactive Tableau dashboard is also available below. The dashboard provides more in-depth readmission statistics for each hospital broken out by several factors and presented in the context of the statewide figures. 

Key Findings

  • The adult all-cause all-payer unplanned readmission rate in 2023 was 16.0 percent, consistent with previous years.

  • Non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic patients age 65 and older had a higher readmission rate (both 17.8 percent) compared with patients of other racial/ethnic and age groups.

  • Dually eligible patients (i.e., individuals enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid) had the highest readmission rate of all payer groups, at 21.7 percent.

  • Medicare patients, regardless of dual eligibility, accounted for 59 percent of all readmissions.

  • Frequently hospitalized patients, defined as those with four or more hospitalizations within 12 months, accounted for 6 percent of hospitalized patients in 2023 but 51 percent of all readmissions, with a readmission rate of 43.6 percent.

  • Commercially insured patients had the lowest readmission rate among payer types (9.9 percent), but the readmission rate for this group has increased over the past several years. 



 Updated December 19, 2024

Previous Readmissions Reports

State-Wide All-Payer Reports

Statewide Adult All-Payer Readmissions in MA: 2011-2021


Statewide Adult All-Payer Readmissions in MA: 2011-2020


Statewide Adult All-Payer Readmissions in MA: 2011-2018


Statewide Adult All-Payer Readmissions in MA: 2011-2017


Statewide Adult All-Payer Readmissions in MA: 2011-2016


Statewide Adult All-Payer Readmissions in MA: 2011-2015


Statewide Adult All-Payer Readmissions in MA: 2011-2014


Statewide Adult All-Payer Readmissions in MA: 2011-2013


Hospital Specific Profiles

SFY 2021

SFY 2011-2017

SFY 2011-2016

SFY 2011-2015

SFY 2011-2014

SFY 2011-13