What's New in Massachusetts Health Care

  • CHIA is currently conducting the 2024 Massachusetts Employer Survey (MES). If you have received an invitation, we encourage your participation to help inform the future of employer-sponsored health insurance in the Commonwealth.

    Did you receive a letter or email invitation with a login ID and password to participate in the MES on behalf of your organization? Take the survey here.

  • In the latest DataMatters, CHIA explores medical spending trends across communities in Massachusetts.

    This first-time analysis delves into the relationship between community characteristics and total medical expenses by insurance population and service categories.

  • The Annual Report on the Performance of the Massachusetts Health Care System examines trends in costs, coverage, and quality indicators to inform policymaking.

    This year’s report also includes a new chapter on health care affordability.

  • CHIA’s Hospital Profiles provide information on acute and non-acute hospitals and allows for comparisons against statewide performance and peer cohorts.

    A new interactive dashboard lets users filter information by individual hospital, hospital type, and health system.

  • CHIA has published the results from the Quality Measure Catalog survey.

    This survey assesses payer adherence to a set of high-priority quality measures recommended for global budget-based risk contracts by the EOHHS Quality Measure Alignment Taskforce.

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