Process to Submit XML Test Files for the SNF-CR

Report Resources

Below is the process that SNF-CR submitters must follow to build and submit an XML test file for approval to submit the 2023 SNF-CR using an XML file. Below are some of the updates to the SNF-CR that interact with the XML filing.

  • XML filers have the ability to input negative numbers in most fields. XML submitters should use negative numbers as necessary to be consistent with their financial reporting. 
  • In the SNF-CR, Schedule 2 (Revenue) providers are no longer required to fill out Table 2 “Detail of Ancillary Revenue.” This table will appear grayed and locked from users. For XML Filers, please do not change your schema. Please move to the next table after Schedule 2/Table 2.

STEP 1:  Build an XML Test File

CHIA has made the following documentation available for you to assist in your development of a new XML file that can be used for completing the new SNF-CR.



  SNF-CR XML User Guide


This document describes the process for submitting test XML files to CHIA for testing and approval.


  SNF-CR XML Data Dictionary


This document includes detailed information such as type of data, format of data, data field descriptors and the data field structure that should be included in the XML file.




This document provides an example of the XML schema that can be used to build the XML test file.


All test files must be submitted to CHIA two weeks before the SNF-CR filing deadline for approval to be an XML file submitter for the SNF-CR cost report data for the period ending December 31, 2023.

If you have questions or need assistance building your XML test file, please contact


STEP 2:  Submit Your XML Test File for Approval

CHIA has made the SNF-CR XML User Guide and SNF-CR XML Sample File available for you to assist in submitting your XML test file using CHIA Submissions. This documentation also describes the CHIA Submission process for submitting your final annual XML files.


STEP 3: Make Corrections to Your XML Test File as Needed

CHIA will contact you if there are issues with your test file.


STEP 4: Build Your Annual XML File.  

Using the above listed documentation, you will need to build your entire XML file for submitting your data in the annual cost report.


STEP 5:  Submit Your Annual Cost Report XML File.

Using the SNF-CR XML User Guide, log in to CHIA Submissions and submit your annual XML data file.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Your XML data file will not have every data field needed to certify and submit your annual cost report. Please use the process below to complete the cost report using the SNF-CR user interface on CHIA Submissions.


Steps For Completing the Remainder of Your SNF-CR

Once you have successfully submitted your XML data file using CHIA Submissions, you will need to login to the SNF-CR cost report user interface and complete the remainder of the cost report.

Once you are logged in, you will need to complete the following for each cost report schedule:

1)     Complete any blank field that was not filled in from your XML file submission.

2)     Save and validate each schedule and clear any validation errors, revalidating as necessary.

As an enhancement to the data quality and user experience, CHIA has instituted a new loading screen when selecting “save and validate” for each schedule. Please wait until the “save and validate” process has completed. The screen tells users to “please wait a moment” as the schedule is validated and will not let the user advance until the process is done. 

Once you have completed these steps, proceed to the Attestation Schedule. Here, preparers must first lock the cost report before the owner can submit. This can only be accomplished if the orange “Lock for Owner Review” button is enabled. If it is not enabled (greyed out), this indicates that either one or both of the following scenarios has happened and must be fixed: 

1)     Not all schedules have been saved and validated, and/or

2)     Validation errors were not properly cleared.

Once the cost report is locked by the preparer, the owner, officer, or partner will be able to click the orange “Submit” button to successfully submit the cost report.

If you require assistance with completing the remainder of your cost report and submitting it, please contact the CHIA cost report help desk at: