Information for Data Submitters: Hospital Cost Reports

Report Resources

Submission Deadline

  • Each hospital shall file a Massachusetts Cost Report with CHIA in accordance with the due dates specified in the regulation 957 CMR 9.04.


CHIA collects annual hospital cost report for both acute care and non-acute care hospitals. The Massachusetts Hospital Cost Report leverages data already reported by hospitals to Medicare on the CMS 2552-10 filing, while still collecting data specific to Massachusetts hospitals.

This report is used by CHIA for regulatory, policy development, monitoring and informational purposes. Hospitals must submit their data in accordance with 957 CMR 9.00 and the filing requirements set out in the hospital cost report instructions which can be found in the link on the right of this page.


Filing Application

Hospitals submit cost reports through, CHIA’s web-based transaction service. To register to submit a cost report, each individual user filing for an organization must complete and sign a Business Partner Security Agreement Form and a User Agreement for Hospitals. Completed forms may be submitted to For more information, please see CHIA Submissions and INET Questions and Answers.



For any questions related to provider data reporting, please email